Tourists receive lifetime ban for feeding giant panda bamboo and peanuts after entering panda breeding base

Two tourists have been banned for life after entering the giant panda breeding base in southwest China and feeding a panda bamboo and peanuts. A 39-year-old man surnamed Han and a 51-year-old woman surnamed Liang entered the base's giant panda cub enclosure and fed a panda cub bamboo shoots and peanuts on Saturday afternoon, according […]

Physical exercises revive oracle bone inscriptions

A set of physical exercises designed based on oracle bone inscriptions has been publicized to promote traditional Chinese culture and language by China's Ministry of Education.   The exercises were initiated by Anyang Normal University (ANU) in Central China's Henan Province and designed by its School of Music. Consisting of 19 characters of the oracle […]

Snake fungal disease spreading in eastern United States

There’s a deadly fungus spreading among snakes in the United States. But don’t cheer. As much as snakes might frighten us, they’re important players in the ecosystem, and we really don’t want to lose them. In 2006, scientists discovered some odd skin infections among snakes in declining populations in New Hampshire. Soon after, fungal infections […]

How to tell if a T. rex is expecting

Call it a T. rex pregnancy test. Chemical analyses of fingernail-sized slivers of bone can reveal whether a Tyrannosaurus rex was expecting, paleontologist Mary Schweitzer of North Carolina State University in Raleigh and colleagues report March 15 in Scientific Reports. The analyses confirm that T. rex had medullary bone, a type of reproductive tissue found […]

Zika may have flown to Brazil in 2013

The Zika virus may have hopped a ride on a 747 from Southeast Asia in 2013 to invade the Americas. Oliver Pybus, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Oxford, and his colleagues have retraced the virus’ steps in Brazil and pinpointed its introduction there to between May and December 2013. That coincides with a […]

Earth’s hurricanes have nothing on this quasar

When visiting the center of a galaxy nicknamed J0230, pack a sturdy windproof jacket. There, you will encounter a galactic hurricane with winds whipping at about 200 million kilometers per hour. At that speed, nearly 20 percent of the speed of light, a trip around Earth would take just 0.7 seconds. These are the fastest […]

Ants’ antennae both send and receive chemical signals

Ant antennae don’t just receive chemical signals — they send them, too. Colonies of ants communicate through chemical cues produced all over their bodies. Studies have shown that ants use their antennae to identify their own nest-mates and potential invaders. But antennae also produce the key compounds that ants use to tell friend from foe, […]

Math models predict mysterious monarch navigation

Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) use their internal clock and the sun to guide them 4,000 kilometers south on their annual fall migration from eastern North America to central Mexico. Scientists have struggled to determine how butterfly brains combine visual cues from the sun with molecular timekeeping in their antennae to make the epic journey. A […]

Ancient dwarf galaxy was heavy-element factory

SALT LAKE CITY — In the primeval universe, a violent event roiled a dwarf galaxy, leaving an indelible mark on the stars that formed there. Scientists reached that conclusion after finding traces of heavy elements produced by the cataclysm in the ancient dwarf galaxy Reticulum II. “It might be the first time where we can […]